Entries from 2017-02-01 to 1 month

念佛三昧-Line Bot

念佛三昧 Line Bot Introduce There are 800 million buddhists in Taiwan, lots of them recite buddhist sutra as a routine everyday. Buddhist believe through reciting buddhist sutra can generate some power which makes our spirit more pure and …

念佛三昧-How To Use

歡迎使用念佛三昧,此聊天機器人,可以幫助您紀錄每天念頌經文或咒語次數,也可以協助您統計經文念誦次數的報表,希望每個人都能每天做點功課,迴向法界,願世界和平,眾生離苦得樂! Welcom to use the chat bot "念佛三昧", it help you to record the time…